We have all heard it before! "It's not what you know, but who you know". Something that is very noticeable in Ireland certainly. Since living in Ireland I have got to know several different types of "communities". I arrived with a small baby in 2008 and was in the Mother and Baby Set for a number of years. Then the Parents What Lunch Set for a short time before being dragged back into the Mother and Baby Set again!
Time has passed and I am now firmly ensconced in the Parent of a Child at School Set and now the looming 2nd Child about to start ECCE Set. Yet although I have traversed many "Sets" over the years here, I now find more and more of these same people are now returning to work like myself and finding their feet flapping in the Start-Up Business Set like me.
By now you must be wondering where this is going and reading this back at 2:30 in the morning I am wondering it myself!Since returning to work, a lot of the relationships I have made professionally have been through the very people I have met and known through the previous Sets. They have given me a hand up and the confidence to push myself out of my comfort zone. The people I knew from Mother and Baby have been my head shot Photographer and Graphic Designer for my logo. There are many others too!With this in mind I have been giving back to other parents returning to work and now several of us are now doing pretty well. The snowball effect has hit!
When I started this blog it was to document the growth of my business and I am pleased to say that I have witnessed the growth of others around me as well. It's so support to support your local business and improve the financial climate in your area.
Outside of these are the higher payment ares media such as the press, radio and television, but you need to start somewhere. Use your networks and allow them to use you as you can both be an invaluable source of support and remember to pay it forward like so many other established businesses did helping you!Now I find its best to remember to have both!