Networking - Not the Internet!

by Melanie Boylan
Business Mindset

Many businesses forget the importance of Networking in todays fast moving times. It's still vital to be a "face" for your audience. However, the mere thought of placing yourself "out there" can be quite daunting too, especially if your motivation is to simply get the job done. There is of course huge value in having an Internet presence, but do you find it annoying when trying to contact a business that you are passed to a another number to dial on the telephone, or another screen on the laptop?

Speak to a Human

Whenever I get the chance to speak to a human I always opt for "0" on the keypad. You feel better heard and understood when talking to someone else.I always hope to impress the importance of Networking on all my clients, in whatever sector. It doesn't have to be at major Conferences, breakfast meetings or Trade Shows either. Depending on your sector or business it could just be Car Boot Sales (Arts & Crafts, Jams & Preserves) to Wedding Fairs (Magicians).

Networking Not the Internet

The public like tangible contact with a business. Sometimes they prefer to gauge your reaction to their queries and be able to monitor your responses. I am not suggesting that this would be a large part of your business either, as the saying goes "time is money" but with that same reference, if you don't make time, you won't make money.

10th July 2013

This was the last day of my Start Your Own Business course that I was doing with Wicklow Enterprise Board. Some excellent advice and information from leaders in the industry. I will make it my mission to build on their advice and support and hope to provide the same to clients in the near future.

Update July 2019

Six years later I still feel the same. Networking is part and parcel of a marketing strategy, along with traditional PR and your social media. Some of your PR is to chance but most is part of a long tailed strategy that you can create and build upon.


The networks I have used over the years with some success would be the local chamber, startup supports such as the Local Enterprise Office and the some of the private networks too.I have been a member of Women in Business Network - WIBN, Women's Inspire Network - WIN and an assortment of BNI guest events.

Professional networking events such as the All Ireland Business Summit and MeetWest also offer superb potential. Particularly for Service orientated business.Please check Eventbrite each month and see what free talks, seminars and conferences you can attend that will widen your circle of friends and in turn your network.

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