Social Media Round Up November 2018

by Melanie Boylan
Social Media Round Ups

Social Media Round Up November 2018

Happy December! We are rapidly hitting the end of the year and I simply can't believe how fast it has been. This month I had a holiday in San Diego for 8 days with my family and was able to get some real quality time with them experiencing some very special moments. It's few and far between that we get these moments! Now back to business:


Bet you weren't expecting that? Pinterest is if anything getting better at driving traffic to your website than ever. They have really upped their tactics over the last few months and my friend Jacinta Dempsey of The Social Network has written a superb blog outlining how best to add these tactics to your marketing plan.

What Gary Vaynerchuk Knows and You Don't....Yet

I personally find Gary Vaynerchuk very knowledgable and er....unrestrained and unreserved. However! He does know his stuff when it comes to marketing a business or indeed yourself. I saw him as a speaker at Dublin Tech Summit last year and I was almost disappointed how little he swore. :) There are certain things that you must do to boost your business profile and it doesn't have to be as stand out as what Gary does. What he wrote in this article though is worth consuming. It should even be your business mantra....

Gary Vaynerchuck at DTS 2017

Facebook Gives You Cookies

As giving as they are , I don't literally mean actual cookies. Last month Facebook have now joined Google in giving you first-party cookies. This means that a small amount of text is stored in the user's computer that is created by the website the user is visiting. By default, first-party cookies are allowed in every Web browser. "We are offering a first-party cookie option for the Facebook pixel to help businesses continue understanding site activity and ad attribution across browsers," Joe Osborne, a Facebook spokesperson, said. "This change is in line with updates made by other online platforms, as use of first-party cookies for ads and analytics is becoming the preferred approach by some browsers. The controls people have over ads will not change." It means the Facebook Pixel - which everyone should have on their website is capable to retargeting to a better level. Have a read, it's not as complicated as it sounds (ish).

Facebook Chatbots

I am sharing this here in the hope it encourages me to rewatch and actually do something about chatbots! Its definitely becoming a fabulous go-to tool to upsale and target your customer with. There are so many new techniques that we all need to master and you will have to work out for yourselves how much time you would like to dedicate to these updates. There is no better person to learn about them from though. Have a listen and make the decision yourself.


More and more businesses are accepting the power of Twitter, which is nice. Though I am still only seeing either the smallest or largest businesses currently partaking.The only issue I see for many businesses today is the lack of consistency. They start meaningfully enough but it really does take a lot of planning and forethought to make Twitter a successful platform. Scheduling is fine but being responsive to your tweets is very important. It's kind of the point to be honest...Twitter needs a lot of feeding! So if you are feeling a bit stuck then check out these brilliant tools that support you on Twitter from Kim Garst.

If you have any questions or suggestions to cover for my next round up, then please contact me!

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